Yesterday was filled with lots of ranching action.
I love days like that. Did I mention I like them? I should probably say that I love them!
First, we ran out through the cow herd to look for new babies and make sure no cows were in need of our assistance while calving.
We’ll once again thank my iPhone and for the photos. It’s much handier than packing around the big camera.
Second, we moved one of the horse herds. This herd is primarily our broodmares, with last year’s colts thrown in for good measure. And there’s a couple new babies in this group as well. They were in two different groups so we got one group moved knowing we were short at least a dozen horses. I underestimated by almost double- because I wasn’t counting colts!
And I have a bit of video for you too:
I’m chatting with our extern, Kara. She’s also doubling as my much needed personal assistant and the whipping boy. I’m just kidding! If we didn’t give Kara heck, she would think she were at the wrong outfit!
By the time we finished getting both sets of horses moved, it was time for dinner.
Then we saddled horses to sort more dry cows.
This was my mount of choice today, the handsome beast, WDX Nukem- or Nuke.
Altogether we brought four cows home. You will only see three in the photos- and you’ll have to look really closely to see two way out in front. Those cows were just a tad “owly”. It’s a term we use to describe a high headed, wild-eyed cow. One that we’ve maybe rushed through her handling, or one that has just got a screw loose. Sadly, Words With Friends, says “owly” isn’t a word. Probably because it’s only found in the Urban Dictionary. If you’re wondering where the other cow was, it’s because she was on the other side of the road, and Kara was in charge over there!
Then we corralled them and had to do a bit of sorting, but there’s a trailer load of dry cows to go to the sale today!
It was a fun afternoon, and as always it’s full of learning experiences for myself. Ranching is good for helping you grow!
And that, is a day in my life.
Happy Trails!
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Angela says
Looks like a great day to me!
Raquel says
I want to come to the ranch & ride Nuke, he is gorgeous!
Jessie Veeder says
Love the photos! So glad I stumbled on your blog. I live on a ranch in Western ND. So fun to see someone else blogging about ranch life. Happy Trails!