In case you've been in a hole and haven't been paying attention, we've been discussing the current state of the horse industry. So you can catch up ...
The State of the Horse Industry: Part 3
Previously we've looked at Arguments 1 and 2, in favor of closing the horse processing facilities. And if you missed the introduction, or the post ...
The State of the Horse Industry: Part 2
This is the second part in our series about the horse industry, so if you missed the introduction or part one, you might want to read those first. I ...
Animal Rights v. Animal Welfare
As part of our on-going discussion about the horse industry, I feel it is important to discuss the differences in animal rights v. animal ...
The State of the Horse Industry: Part 1
At Utah State University, a group of undergraduate students, a professor, an equine extension agent and the coordinator of the equine extension ...
The State of the Horse Industry: A Series
I have decided to do a weekly, to bi-weekly post, at least until I feel like I've exhausted my resources, on the current state of the Horse Industry. ...
Spinning in Opinions
I'm a horseman. A dog and cat owner. A rancher's girlfriend. A lover and eater of beef. All of those things that I just listed are choices I make. ...
Yes, Let’s Suspend Him.
You're kidding, right? Have you ever ridden a racehorse (or any horse for that matter) Ms. Guillermo?NORFOLK, Va. (AP) -- People for the Ethical ...
Horse Slaughter Humor…
I got this in an email but it's funny and true in some cases...Dear Anita Getaclue,Thank you for your fervent support of the recent laws that were ...