I’m way ahead of schedule on this week’s spin. The thing is, I’m busy since I have all this nice weather to play in and while there’s plenty to blog about, the photographic evidence and video evidence isn’t available, so I’m just procrastinating.
Sprite’s Keeper decided we should talk about celebrities this week. Love ’em? Hate ’em? Seen ’em? How do we feel about them?
I have not seen any Hollywood Celebrities that I recall, which, frankly is perfectly fine with me. I generally find people in Hollywood to be over-paid, full of hot air and have over-inflated egos. As if we care what they think about a subject that the rest of us in the real working world have to deal with daily. I hate the, “do as I say, not as I do mentality” that I get from a lot of celebrities. That goes for politicians too. But Celebrities think that we care what they have to say. Frankly I wish most of them would shut it. I can think of only one Hollywood person I do like- the always yummy Tom Selleck. I guess I could say my cousin too- though his first big role was on Life last week (his role begins at 41:04). He was the evil man in the prison suit at the end, for those of you that watched it .
So that’s my take on celebrities of the Hollywood variety. I do believe there are other celebrities as well- I sat at a horse sale one time, right in front of one of the best pitchers to ever play baseball- Nolan Ryan. He was quite gracious and gave me his autograph (By the way, I was so nervous asking!). I see rodeo and horse training celebrities all the time at barrel races. Tammy Key, Brittney Pozzi-Pharr, Molly Powell (I rodeoed with her in college), Jackie Dube-Jatzlau (who Jill and I hung out with at the bar one time), 10-Time World Champion Charmayne James, Sherri Cervi, Stephanie Fryer, and Lance Graves just to name a few. While I aspire to be that type of celebrity, there are times I do not envy them.
Last week for instance, I’m at the barrel race and Molly Powell is sitting on her horse, waiting for the tractors to finish dragging (which is just cleaning up the ruts in the ground made by the previous five horses). She is the first up in the drag and a girl just walks up and starts talking to her. She is always gracious and very nice and she is not the kind of person to turn them down. But that was bad timing on the part of the girl picking Molly’s brain- right before a run. I realize that for a lot of those girls there’s probably less thought put into each run before they make them (I on the other hand need some time to focus still). I wouldn’t envy having people do that. Though I didn’t see anyone do that when it was Brittney. I don’t know Brittney so I can’t say how that would go over. But if I had to guess I’d say not well. I only say that because Zach asked her for her autograph in Vegas this year. If she was happy to be signing autographs you couldn’t tell. Tammy Key also gave Kelsey her autograph and she was very gracious. She and her sister Jackie Dube-Jatzlau were both across the aisle from me last year at the Silver Cup Futurity and they were nice then too.
So do I love Celebrities or hate them? I guess it depends on the type of celebrity. But someday I will make the cover of Barrel Horse World, and I’ll be one. And I’ll be the nicest celebrity you ever met!
Bina says
I feel the same way about celebrities. They are just like the rest of us, only richer, and yet they act like they are SO much better than the rest of us.
I LOVE Tom Selleck! My ex husband actually played two-man volley ball against him in Hawaii. I felt so bad for him because you would not believe how the crowd surrounded that man while he tried to play.
Pony Girl says
I’ve met some celebrities. Keifer Sutherland, for one. Before he was on 24. We had a little “moment” in a bar up in Whistler, B.C. Fun times. 😉
My biggest surprise with celebrities is how much smaller/shorter they are in real life. They look so big on the big screen!
I also think the type of personality that typically attracts someone to spend their lives in front of the camera is one that needs a lot of attention. So I never really feel sorry for them that they get no privacy, at least in public. They should on their own property. I would hate that lifestyle. To not be able to run to the mall in my sweats and bad hair and worry about having my picture taking for a magazine, I would hate it!
Happy Easter
~The South Dakota Cowgirl~ says
Ooooh Keifer should have made my list of celebrities. He is one of my favorites! And he ropes!
Toni says
I almost was run over by Ty Murray in the parking lot at City Limits in Stephenville.
Oh, and I team penned with Chris Lybbert a long long time ago. We needed one more person for our team and he offered and joined us. I did not know who he was until I watched the NFR that year (1987 maybe?)
~The South Dakota Cowgirl~ says
Chris Lybbert let me borrow his roping calves one Christmas while I was home from college. He is really a very nice person. Or at least I think he is!
Sprite's Keeper says
Perfect! I love how you incorporated what TYPES of celebrity you admire. I personally think the harder working people who become famous based on their hard work and talent are so much higher on the “fame” pedestal than the ones who get noticed because of their reputation or their hijinks. Great Spin! You’re linked!
HeatherPride says
You got Nolan Ryan’s autograph!! That’s pretty cool! Hope to see you on the cover of that mag soon!
Ve says
I can’t wait to say “I knew her when” . . .
verification word:
odd huh
Slyde says
im pretty much with you on the whole celebrity thing. I cant STAND when they start getting polital on me..
Just Me... says
Oohh…. where do I begin?
Well if you go WAY back into my blog and read, you’ll learn that my very first kiss was from one of my best high school pals, and every girl’s heart-throb, Derek Jeter. Of course, he wasn’t famous then, we were just two kids fooling around! We’re still friends today- and I’m so proud of his accomplishments and think he’s an amazing person from a great family.
I went to college at Rice University which has produced several baseball players that have gone pro and that I was friends with, like, Lance Berkman (Astros) for example. I also dated Jose Cruz Jr. for awhile in college (he’s in the pros and his Dad’s a Hall of Famer from the Astros!)…
I’m turned off by many celebrities that I’ve hung out with, especially those in college like Shaquille O’Neal. His now ex-wife and my crew were all friends and we use to all hang out. That was way back when I also hung out with several of the Houston Oilers (before they went to Tennessee) and lots of the Houston Rockets. I was grossed out by most of the pro basketball players that I had the opportunity to hang out with, esp. fast talkers and total womanizers, which were most of them. These guys didn’t impress me much in the brains department.
Let’s see… New York Jets linebacker, Larry Izzo, and I are friends from college as well as N.D. Kalu who is currently a free agent, having left the Houston Texans… Both of these guys are incredible people as well as top notch athletes…
There’s been several pro volleyball players going way back like Karch Kiraly and Steve Timmons that I have met before… Kim and Elaina Oden (former women’s olympians)…
Most are athletes, as you can tell, but last year I met Julio Iglesias…
When I studied at Parsons School of Design I hung out acouple of times with RuPaul (don’t ask)!!
PBR Million Dollar rider Mike Lee and I are friends. He’s a great guy, as well as his Dad.
What I’ve found is this: people are just people. Whether they make big bucks playing a sport, or singing, or being on stage, they are just people. Same as you and me. I get a kick out of all of the shock and awe that the media creates around these people, who have their talents and faults just like all the rest of us.
Neat post and thanks for the trip down memory lane!!
Just Me... says
Oops, forgot some big ones:
Former President George and Barbara Bush as well as former Nicaraguan President, Violeta Chamorro!
Pseudonymous High School Teacher says
I like your thoughts on celebrity. Over paid with big egos most of the time.
Sammanthia says
Amen. What gets me is when a celebrity gives an interview and talks about how hard it is to be a working mother and meanwhile their kid is in the corner calling his hers of nannies “mommy”.
Sammanthia says
WOW. I had a lot of typos in that comment. Spellcheck, anyone?
Camille says
I feel the same way about AZ when I go home to visit (which I am, soon!). Thanks for sharing!
Camille says
I used to want to be a movie star just so I could be the one nice one in the world. (Some of them seem nice, truly. But I’m SURE I would be way more down-to-earth than them!!!) Anyway, that never happened, so I’ll just have to be nice to the people in my own life. Thanks for the spin!
Joanie M says
I think Tom Selleck is yummy too! Great spin!