Head over to Kindred Cowgirl today, for what I think is some very important advice, or at the very least, something we all should be aware of. It’s my latest thoughts: all about respect.
I realize that in my own personal life I have a lot of work to do when it comes to being as aware as I could be- but isn’t that what life is all about- growing as a person? If I were as good as I am going to be in 30 years, right now, I’d miss out on a lot.
There’s something to be said for treating people how you WANT them to be, not how they are. I’m fortunate enough to have a parallel in my life to draw from– horses. I do my best to treat my colts how I want them to ride around for me in 5 years, not how they ride around the first 10-15 rides. I know they’re going to get better. And so will I.
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