This weekend was sort of a whirlwind. It was a super fun whirlwind, however.
Saturday Kirsten (Zach’s SIL – she’s married to The Awesome, Bud or Bud the Awesome if we’re going back to the Renaissance Period) and I went to Pierre to shop. We really had no agenda other than to pick up the car that stranded me last week, get groceries at the Wal-Mart and mail Lacee’s Jewelry. It was a great day (one that was sorely need by myself- girl time!)! We visited one of the two thrift/resale shops in town, where I purchased a leopard print wardrobe bag (for $5) and a book- Left Behind (for $1). Then it was off to the Pier 347 coffee shop for lunch- yummy stuff there! From there we went to the antique store where I bought a massive wrought iron cross for my collection- a whopping $21 for a cross that’s 4 feet tall and 3 feet across! Next we were off to the quaint, independent bookstore, where I discovered a frame shop in back. Then into Hardware Hanks– where they have the cutest kitchen section. I had to lust after a kitchen aide stand mixer. I want one. I keep trying to win one at the Pioneer Woman’s blog, but I’ve not had any luck. She gives them away all the time! I bought another bamboo wooden spoon (admittedly I have a wooden spoon addiction), some oxo good grips tongs, a biscuit cutter, and a small stainless steel whisk (I’m going to love this one, Zach, I promise!). Next door to the hardware store is a darling boutique, where Kirsten bought a killer dress that she’ll sport for her birthday this week. I think she’s gonna be the big 3-0! I’m making her a necklace to match with some beads I bought two stores down from the boutique! What a great store! Whoo hoo! I got home about 7 that night, and was asleep by 10:30. I guess all that shopping wears a girl out!
Sunday I nearly missed a barrel race, in Aberdeen, SD, due to the time change. We did manage to make it and my horses worked so good! I’m very proud of them both. In our first run, Shuttle won 2nd in the 2D and Gump ran 2 tenths of a second behind her. In our second run, Shuttle ran at the bottom of the 1D (which is way more like her!) and Gump over-turned his second and we got a big fat no time. But at least he’s really wanting to turn something now, so I’m super pleased with that. Have I mentioned that I adore, Gump? I adore him. I do not have words. Shuttle would have won the 1D both runs if I could get her tracking straight across the pen from barrel 1 to barrel 2. Last year before her stifle infection, when she first got sore, she started ducking in front of the second barrel. She really likes to run into that left turn, right next to the second and take her pocket more on the backside of the barrel. It’s fine with me if she wants to run that way, but it’s not fine with me if I’m having to hold her to the left so we can run straight across the pen. That’s costing us precious time. I’m hoping the weather will cooperate this week and allow me the chance to go to the indoor barn that Zach’s cousin has so I can work them both. We’re heading to Texas in a couple weeks for some big barrel races and it’s time for Shuttle to win me some more money!
Today it’s freezing cold and snowy out- and tomorrow isn’t going to be any better. They’re calling for up to 6 inches of snow tomorrow. Oh and the high tomorrow- 7 degrees. Fabulous, Dahling!
Yay!! Only two more weeks and I will have babies by then! Well at least one. Who knows how Paris carries her foals giving that this is the first one.
Sounds like a FUN girl’s day! I love days like that…good company and fun finds!
The barrel race sounded good….lots of exciting, I can picture you guys turning the barrels. Hang in there…the snow is just not giving up anywhere this year!
Hey girl! If you like the book “Left Behind” I will send you the rest in the series for free. I have them! And yes, I will mail them for free, no strings attached of any kind! Just send me an email and give your mailing adddy and I’ll be glad to do it. or
And yea for the horses and girl’s day! And yea, I didn’t change my alarm clock (of all things) and therefore, my alarm didn’t go off this morning cause it thought it was still 5:00 but at least I made it to work on time! LOL
Woo Hoo!! Go ShuttleBug
You’ll have a grey mare waiting on you at the BRAT. 🙂
Silly Jilly can have her for the Destry race. lol
Wow, that’s a day full of shopping! LOVE thrift/antique store shopping…and of course bead shopping!
good job at your barrel race. When is your next competition? great post.