I captured these yesterday morning in a rush, more a moment of grab my camera before I lost the light. They didn’t turn out like I’d hoped, but they’re good, nonetheless. There was a huge fog on the river, which is often the case this time of year- because the water is warmer than the temperature outside. It froze the night before which made for these awesome clouds of fog. These pictures are going to force me to learn to manually adjust my camera to let in the maximum light setting. It’s time I do that anyway, since people have begun to buy my photos and pay me to take them. I never dreamed in a million years I’d be in that situation. I’m not complainin’ just sayin’.
Here’s the Sunrise Fog on the Missouri River- it’s about a 3 miles away from our house and I stood in the front yard to capture these.
Matt says
Very nice pictures, great sky. You should try out the bracketing mode on your DSLR. Most DSLRs have a mode in which the camera can take multiple shots rapidly which makes bracketing really easy. (Even some point and shoot cameras can do this too.)
Heather says
Very nice, I really like the second one. I’m still learning my point and shoot, by time I get it all figured out, I should have a new camera to learn.
Weekend Cowgirl says
Great photos. Looks like ocean!