I grew up not far from Glen Rose, Texas and attended college near there as well, so I have spent plenty of time in the Somervell County Expo Center. It’s a great facility, with good ground, lots of stalls, and good places to warm your horse up. When I discovered that I could go from Oklahoma down to Texas to run, it was kind of a no brainer.
I got to spend a few days in town with my family (mom and dad have room for the horses!), see my sister’s new house, take some awesome photos of some reining/reined cow horse stuff, and a couple of really good looking kids, and I got to ride with my friend!

Riding with my friend was helpful. She reminded me of a few things I’d forgotten about running a fast horse, and since she started Avie, and knows him, it was nice to get her perspective on what’s been going on. She helped me, she did because Thursday night during the warm up run, had we not hit a barrel, we’d have placed in the 2D.
Friday night she came down to yell at me…
We were just out of the money in the 2D and that was by far the best run I’ve ever made on Avie.
I hit a barrel the next two days, but was even faster on Sunday than I had been on Friday. Timing, friends, timing. Feel, timing, balance. It’s coming. It’s coming.
More to come…
Happy Trails!
Isn’t it wonderful to get fresh perspective from a new set of eyes? Sometimes we get to close to something, that we can’t see our mistakes or step far back enough (when riding and in life). You two are looking great together!