So I attempted this morning to re-arrange my blog layout, and I can’t manage to get rid of my Christmas header, so I’ll have to have help since I know *SO* much about codes and all that!
I would like to say that 2007 was a great year, and in many ways it was. It was also an exceptionally trying year, at best. I experienced a lot of ups and downs; starting my own business, dealing with the stresses of such an endeavor, being married, and running a household (at which I suck); a balancing act.
I made some wonderful new friends this year! You all know who you are, and I love you. All of you!
I think that I also grew in some wisdom this year as well- I have learned that I can do anything I set my mind to, and that I should not worry about things that I cannot control.
So tonight we’ll say goodbye to the old and hello to the new! And my resolution will stay the same! If it’s not horse related I’m not into it.
What's on your mind?