Anyone that knows me, knows that I kind of like to ride a pretty horse. And I like them to be clean with pretty, combed out manes and tails. When I first moved to South Dakota, I wouldn’t have been caught dead on a horse with a speck of mud on him.
Armstrong County Gumbo has changed all that for me.
You see, it’s kind of like God’s natural glue. It sticks to you and whatever else. I’m convinced it’s buried itself into the paint of my pickup, The Beast, as she is affectionately called.
Sunday we went to a branding. I knew what horse I was going to ride on Saturday, but I had to go to town so I didn’t get to see him much- other than to see that he looked the color of Gumbo. He’s yellow, folks. YELLOW. Not brown. Not camo. But he clearly thought he should be one of those colors! He was such a mess that I needed four hours and a water hose to clean him up. But, I didn’t have four hours. I had about 20 minutes.
I said gumbo is like glue. Poor guy- I was using a metal curry comb (because that’s about the only hope one has around here of removing any sort of gumbo) and his hair was coming with it. So I gave up and did the best I could where the saddle would go. I figured the rest would have to wait.
Needless to say I caught flack for him being a disaster area. All. Day.
Wanna see what he looks like?
Yeah, I rode a horse that looks like that for a day. Will I ever do it again? I can’t say that I’ll do it on purpose. I don’t like catching flack!
I may post after photos if it ever warms up enough to give him a bath!
Happy Trails!
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