So I’ve been thinking.
Dangerous concept, I know.
But I’ve got a few horses in my barn right now that have, *issues*.
And they’re man-made/man-created.
And it got me thinking; so are *most* issues that people have too.
I mean, our parents do what they can, and under most circumstances, they try to do right by us, but then we spend the rest of our lives trying to recover from how they raised us. Even the best parents, sometimes cause instability or sadness or *issues* in their kids.
I do think that to some degree, we as humans do make our own choices; the horse makes the choice that their *human* makes for them. And in the case of my horses, the human has made bad choices.
This is once again a situation that I’ve observed and I can relate it to humans. Horses are such great teachers; not just in patience; but in honesty and about life in general.
I truly thank God for the gift of the horse.
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