I made an observation yesterday. Ok. Wait. I have to get this out there first.
I realize I don’t have kids/family to blog about- unless it’s my sister and brother and my parents (who, sorry mom and dad, are not the most exciting people out there), so my life revolves mainly around my horses and what I do with them. And I’m sorry if you all are ever bored.
So I’m feeding the horses yesterday and I realize as they’re out grazing, that while Zero is the head horse in charge, I’m not entirely sure who’s second in command. I used to think it was Shuttle, but since Nora (aka, The Dragon) has been pregnant (let me know if you wanna come over to see the baby when *SHE* is born!), she’s been pretty much hormonal and ugly to everyone. Flash we knew was the low man on the totem pole, and now I’ve added Elvis into the mix so here’s what I observed.
Elvis can just walk towards Nora and she’s got her ears back and is telling him she hates him, yet she moves away. Elvis looks at Shuttle and Shuttle tells him where to stick it, with both back feet. Nora backs her ears at Shuttle and Shuttle says, “yes ma’am. I’m out of YOUR way.” And poor Flash has to get out of everyone’s way.
I have no idea what this means, except that they all have different personalities and what I thought would be an alpha/beta situation, really isn’t.
T says
Sounds like Shuttle is showing respect for the mom-to-be and that Elvis is 4th in line. Has Elvis been there long enough? I forget how long it takes to be established in ‘the order’. My gelding took about a month before he found out he was not in charge. Course, he had a pride issue and delusions of grandeor.
Pony and Petey says
Forget kids…I prefer animal posts!! hahahahaha
I’m praying for you today…hang in there…