…or at least my life needs to be.
Again, I’ve got way too little time, and definitely not enough of me to get everything done that I need to get done.
Here’s a short list for today alone:
1. pick up a headstall I had repaired (before noon- but riding lessons start at 9am!)
2. haul grass hay (again, before noon)
3. give 2 riding lessons (both before noon)
4. ride at least 2 horses (can be done during lessons)
5. go to a barrel race with another 3 horses (from 3pm to 6 or so)
6. scrub the guest bath as I’m having a girlfriend over tonight (I’m not sure when this will get done- could be doing it now, i guess!).
7. clean stalls. (um, after lessons maybe?)
1. ride a couple head
2. laundry
3. deep clean the kitchen(sweep, mop, counter-tops)
4. vacuum
5. clean my closet
6. clean stalls
7. bit shopping
Oh and at some point in the VERY NEAR FUTURE, I’ve got to hunt down a gun shop with an ultrasound tank, as one of my favorite snaffle bits has been taken over by rust and is no longer functioning.
Now, all this being said- I truly have no help, other than my dad who takes time out of what he needs to get done to help me get my stuff done! He has agreed to help me with my hay- he’ll do that before noon (thanks, dad; you’re the best!). I’m assuming my headstall will have to wait until Tuesday when I can make the trip as he’s closed on Monday. Honestly, doing all of this by oneself is difficult at the least. I just run from one project to the next all the time, always being about 15 minutes to two days behind schedule!
What's on your mind?