I thought for valentine’s day we’d do something a little different. I’ll be honest. It’s not my favorite Holiday. In fact, I feel like it’s really just made up by companies such as Hallmark (no offense meant), and marketers/advertisers, to give people yet another reason to part with their hard-earned dollars. But, I digress.
One of the things I like to focus on most is how to love yourself! You gotta “Love You” first! I’d like to remind all of you that you’re beautiful, you’re worthy and awesome, or to put it another way and quote one of my favorite movies, The Help: You is kind. You is smart. You is important!
With that said, I officially release all of you to celebrate yourself and your love for yourself today. Even if you have a healthy relationship with that special someone, don’t forget that the healthiest of relationships start when we are confident and love ourselves first! You’re free to be your own Valentine! You’re welcome.
And most important to remember:
Happy Trails and Happy Valentine’s Day!
Paula says
Happy Valentines Day Jenn
I totally agree with u.
theranchwifechronicles says
Just what I needed to hear today. I agree we do need to love ourselves and some days I need a little kick in the rear to remind me. Thank You!
I read something last week about “love” that changed my take on V-Day. Not all love is of the romantic type. We are not supposed to love everyone the same. Showing someone love can be as simple as being a friend, a listening ear and confidant, showing respect and being kind to others.
~The South Dakota Cowgirl~ says
That’s totally true! And we start by becoming that person that can love all sorts of ways by loving ourselves first! Thanks for reading and sharing, Robin!