In a perfect world we’d get a new pickup every 4-6 years- or at 100 thousand miles instead of driving the ones we have into the ground. But in the scheme of things that doesn’t matter.
In a perfect world, I’d have a bigger house that had a split bed-room layout, a real master suite, with a closet that’s bigger than a postage stamp and a bathroom that is big enough for two. But in the scheme of things, it’s not important.
In a perfect world, we’d have a 150×200 foot barn to ride in. All. Glorious. Year. Long! The grass would never be short; save for winter, and we’d have rain every month as needed. But in the scheme of things, we can get by with our 40X100 barn and make do with the weather patterns that Mother Nature Gives us.
In a perfect world, the horse market wouldn’t be in the tank. It’d be back to 2005 levels and we’d see a decent return on our investment in these colts of ours. But we’re still alive and eating, so in the scheme of things, we’ll survive.
While those things may not be ‘perfect’, my world and my life, certainly is.
I am able to get up everyday and do what I want to do that day. I can go ride a horse, start a colt, make jewelry, play the guitar, pack up the camera to take pictures, hang out with my chickens, or cook amazing things for someone who’ll enjoy them. In the scheme of things, I’m so blessed, and I do my best to not take that for granted.
I have a man that adores me and would do anything for me, a family that loves me, we live in some of the prettiest country known to this land, and I have the ability to choose how happy I am going to be each day. I can look at the negatives in my life, or I can focus on the positives, and that makes my life perfect! I have everything I need and most of what I want.
This Spin on Perfection is brought to you by Jen, at Sprite’s Keeper. I suggest if you want to see more spins on utopia, that you head over there, post haste!
Have a great weekend, y’all!
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I think you’ve found the secret to perfection. Being happy with all that’s around you, pretty damn perfect in my eyes!
You’re linked!
You absolutely have the right attitude! Perfect! 🙂
Spin: Perfection
I needed to hear this today! Kitchen flooded and the water emergency team has been drying everything out all week. Next workmen will replace some of wood and have to have floor ripped out and new one put back in. But, I promise I will “feel the perfection” soon!!!
Perfection is all in how you look at it. Things can be perfectly awful, or perfectly wonderful–all it takes is the attitude of the person dealing with what ever is thrown at them. I think you’ve got it nailed.
Your life and your perspective sound about as perfect as can be. Inspiring.