The other day, about 2 weeks ago, I failed to log out of Yahoo Messenger when I left for the day.
I got home to a message from txeric34 that said, “Hello, Jennifer”.
I thought it was my cousin Eric- I don’t know another Eric, and replied, hello, even though he was apparently, at that time, off-line.
Later that night he pops on and he’s like, “how are you tonight, Jennifer.” and “I’m like, well, I’m great.” And he starts talking to me like he knows me but I’m not totally sure I know him.
So I ask him. And he says, “yes you do. We dated in 2001. You were the best kisser I’ve ever kissed.” and to that I reply, “Thanks, but I was married in 2001, and have never dated an Eric so I’m thinking you have the wrong Jennifer”.
Needless to say, he was a bit embarrassed.
Anonymous says
Jennifer, Txeric34 approached me in Yahoo chat today. He knew my first name and acted like we were acquainted. After he proceeded to describe his physical attributes, I figured out quickly that he was full of horse pucky. He sounds like a he’s figured out how to get close to chatters who aren’t paying attention. Good for you for figuring out he’s not what he says he is. Like anyone you meet online is. Be safe! And, thanks for your post. I’m blocking that cowboy! What I’d like to know is how on earth did he find my first name?????
Jennifer says
creepy my name is jennifer