I am so happy to bring to you all a special guest writer! Her name is Danielle, and she’s a cousin of The Cowboy. She’s smart, beautiful, highly educated and well-written.
One of the most searched terms on my blog is “Life on an Indian Reservation”. Since I live on one, but didn’t grow up on one, I don’t feel like I’m qualified to write on the subject, but Danielle certainly is. So I hope you enjoy the series that she’s going to share with you and that you find yourself re-thinking stereotypes.
Don’t forget to click the link below and visit Danielle’s Blog!
Talking about South Dakota’s Native American Reservations is a common conversation that happens across the state. From poverty to accomplishing lifelong dreams; there is a wide range of topics relating to Native people that is not always covered through the media in a true and positive manner.
My name is Danielle Ducheneaux and I am a member of the Lower Brule Sioux Tribe in Lower Brule, South Dakota. I come to you with what I hope are some insightful posts, as I have a true passion for the field of journalism and my Native American background. It is my goal to share with all of you the beauty of my native culture and how I see it through my own experiences and day to day encounters. In a society influenced by social media and inaccurate regurgitated history, I fully understand that it can be hard for someone to decipher the truth and lies about our own people when our main source of information has no filter whatsoever.
Although I do not currently live on any reservation, I still know what it feels like to be a Native American Woman Journalist in a world filled with filthy stereotypes and ridiculous ignorance. My culture is literally filled with so much beauty that I can’t wait to tell you the real life information I am passionate about and show you that it’s not all about a damn feather headdress flowing in the wind, a drunken Indian sitting on a street corner, or a diabetic monster that lives off “your” system. Trust me; we are so much more than that wacko-ness! So hang on, and promise me that if you do have questions, thouh I am not an expert,but I will do my damnedest to answer you with sincere honesty and point you in the right direction.
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