I know I’m only about 4.5 months late in posting this run. I’ve been busy, trying to grow in my horsemanship, and grow my photography and writing business as well. And of course I’m trying to fill my WPRA permit. The rodeos have been fun, and I’m learning a lot. My nerves are leaving me, and I’m starting to feel confident in my ability to jockey my horse. I wasn’t there though, when I made this run at the BBR finals. Part of me really wanted to cry before I made this run and many others this Spring.
I’ve no idea what I was scared of. I just know my mind was getting the best of me. Despite that, we finished something like 235 in the 2D at a race with 1800 entries. I’ll take it.
I’ve been doing so much traveling and working on myself this year, that I’ve decided I’m going to try to implement some of the principles that have helped me overcome my nerves and my fears (mind you I’ve had help with implementation of these). So if those of you that run barrels would fill out this survey, I’d sure appreciate it! I don’t know yet what/how I’m going to implement these tools, but there are ideas swirling, rest assured!
As always, keep on keeping on, moving forward one step at a time…
What's on your mind?