From my brilliant acquaintance, Brooke:
I’m appalled at the recent implication that vegetables are not living, breathing creations of God. These vegetarians are walking around protecting cows, chickens, pigs,(and sheep- as well as some shellfish) protesting, throwing paint on people that wear fur, and so on. They call us murderers, so what makes them any different than us beef & chicken loving people? NOTHING, they are even worse in my book. At least our beef & chicken & pork & lamb & Shellfish are humanely slaughtered and cooked. They pull these poor veggies out by their roots & most of the time, eat them raw!! How do you explain that PETA?! Lettuce has a head, artichokes have a heart, they have chlorophyll coursing through them… what makes them any less deserving of life? Before you point your finger at us, just think, for whatever you can find wrong with eating meat, I can find wrong with your cannibalistic, vegetable eating, snooty selves too! So you do your thing, and we’ll do ours!!!!
Signed, A beef, chicken & pork eater
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