Elle tagged me so I’m going to do my best to see if I can come up with 7 quirks…
1. I don’t have any desire to go to Las Vegas, until which time, I’m entered at the NFR.
2. I am a big-time perfectionist with my horses. My house can look like a tornado went through it, but I like a neat barn, neat grounds, and horses that look like they’d cost a pretty penny. I’m also a perfectionist when it comes to training on them. Sometimes I have to turn off the trainer in me, and simply just ride.
3. I am a freak about my checking account. I typically need to know to the penny, how much money is in it and I don’t like it to drop below a balance of $500 or I have a mini-panic attack. I constantly balance it, and pay all the bills, online at once, at the beginning of the month so I don’t have to worry about it again.
4. Life has forced me to be very independent, and I’d really rather not be that way, so I’m working on letting other people help me when I need it/want it/or when it’s offered.
5. Sometimes, I’m more concerned with making other people happy than I am doing what I want or doing what is best for me. I’ve always thought that was a fine line- between what I should do for me/what God wants vs. what I want to do/need to do for me. So I’m conflicted on a lot of levels.
6. Secretly, I’ve always desired to have the type of marriage relationship that my folks have- where it’s all about teamwork, respect, love and working together to make their lives better.
7. I don’t love myself very much sometimes; I’m very hard on myself and demand perfection of me on more levels, and in more places than it is necessary.
Elle Charlie says
I totally hear you on the checking account thing. Me too!
Elle Charlie says
It’s funny, being raised to be super independent does make it hard to let other people in – I think your goal of trying is a good one!