It’s the most wonderful time of the year
The cattle are lowing,
And everyone’s telling you, be of good cheer!
It’s the most wonderful time of the year!
With those calves getting fat and getting on the truck
And friends and neighbors near,
It’s the most wonderful time of the year.
Fall is my favorite season and it’s one of my favorite times on the ranch. Next to spring and branding season of course! Fall is when we get to bring the calves in for shots, and a few weeks after that we bring them in to ship them to the sale barn for auction, or in our case, we ship them out to the folks that have already bought them! Fall means seeing the neighbors and getting to ride- a LOT! It means my horses get handier and life is good. It’s means payday time for all our hard-work this year!
Today, is our payday! We’ll gather a pasture-full of mainly heifer calves and get them sorted off. We’ll choose some to keep as replacement heifers (which means that we’ll keep them to add to the herd since we will need to cull some of the old girls) and then some will be too small to make the load (because we want as even a pen of calves as we can make.
Then we’ll gather up a bunch of steer calves that are in a separate pasture and we’ll sort off the ones that are too small, or the wrong color, and we’ll send off two loads of those.
This time of year means lots of riding and generally lots of fun. But it’s also a very busy, tiring time of year. People that don’t live on a ranch don’t always understand that. When I say busy, I mean busy. Usually you just want to come in after a day like that and relax- not because the work is stressful, but because you’ve had a long- in-a-good-way-day! And it’s not just our herd we worry about shipping, we go help the neighbors too and that’s what we’ll be doing most of next week!
I hope to have the camera with me today, as I’m sure there will be some awesome photo opportunities.
I hope everyone has as great a day as I plan to have. I’ll be riding a pretty gray mare, smiling and thanking the Good Lord for the best office on earth!
Heather says
I can just imagine how tiring that hard work can be. After a big long day of fun, who cooks for the weary? Last time I went to a round up (I didn’t go any where near no cows or horses), all of us women were in the house cooking and preparing for the cowboys to come and eat. Sorry excuse for a round up experience, huh? LOL!
Hope ya had a great day!