I was handling my coming 8 year old mare today. I started her when she was two, and have ridden her on and off a bit here and there since then. She probably has 45 rides. So, I glossed over the fact that she stood there and let me brush her, and missed all the signs that she wasn’t ready for me to saddle her.
Despite her moving around, I did get her saddled, but she reached around to try and bite me more than once in the process. I got her comfortable, helped her move her feet, and decided it was time to unsaddle her and start again. Clearly, I’d missed something.
I started again. Brushed her. Put the pad on her back. Repeat of the first time.
And…I started again. This time she stayed still until I went to pull the cinch tight. Then she walked off, and as I helped her get round and get her feet stopped, the saddle plopped off her right side. She of course was unbothered. So, I picked it up, cleaned it up, reset and decided that I had to sloooooowwwww-my-roll.
This time I paid more attention to what she was telling me. I put the pad on her. Took the pad off. Walked to a new location. Placed the pad on her back there. Rubbed her heart girth, and rubbed on her. A lot. Rubs that meant, stay here, it’s all going to be just fine. She wasn’t bothered by anything I was doing, per say, it was my presentation.
Up went the saddle. Down went the cinches. I rubbed her belly all the way across as I went to pick up the cinch and pull it tight. I got it tight enough to hold the saddle should she feel the need to move her feet. She didn’t. She didn’t try to bite me either. After fastening the back cinch, I pulled the top one a notch tighter, and walked her off. Slowing down helped. Slowing down allowed me to be more aware, more in tune and pay more attention to my horse.
Often I’ll think (and maybe you do this too), “well, I’ve been on my horse (or I’ve done xxxx before)”, so you go at it thinking about what was in the past, instead of being in the present. Instead of taking the horse or situation or person from where they are that day; where they are that moment. I was in such a rush to get her saddled and check her out because I wanted to ride her, that I missed all the things she was telling me about not being ready.
I think that slowing down in life is a lesson that we can all learn. We should learn to appreciate where we are that moment. Not dwell on what happened yesterday (because the horse is past it), not what we think is going to happen (that hasn’t happened yet and may not happen – that just makes a person anxious and cranky), not think about where we had the horse before or what we’ve done with the horse before. We need to just practice being. Be in the moment. Be aware and adjust our timing, and our goals and our approach as need be.
That’s the lesson I learned from my horse tonight.
What lessons have you learned from your horses?
CG says
This is so true, not just about horses.
~The South Dakota Cowgirl~ says
That was the point of the post! 😉 Thanks for reading!
Nancy Fetters says
Good stuff Jenn!!!!
Kim Waltman says
Outstanding post, Jen! I loved it! My horses have taught me the same thing (and more)! The way I like to think about it is – if my horses aren’t responding to me the way I’d like, is it because I’m showing up in their space with an agenda? My agenda is rarely theirs, or one they care to have in their space. This nudges me to let go and be in the now!