I have not participated in the Spin Cycle in like forevah, but it’s because I’ve been busy. I really miss reading what everyone else has to say on any given subject- and Jen (the keeper of the Spin Cycle) always keeps us on our toes. This week the topic was “religion” and I can’t think of a better place to jump back in to the fray.
I grew up in church. A non-denominational Bible Church to be exact. And frankly, that’s how I’d like to stay- non-denominational. My first husband was a Baptist. Nothing against Baptists- unless you’re a member of the Westboro church of Freaks in Topeka, Ks. Then you’re not on my good list, but hey, I’m not judging. It’s your right to say “God Hates Fags”, just as it’s my right to vehemently disagree with you and your methods. I’m not sure how you’re spreading the message that “God is love” that way, but whatevs. I don’t have to answer for those actions. My second husband was a stereotypical guilt ridden Catholic. I’ve nothing against Catholics either- I actually used to attend Mass with him. The rub, for at least me anyway, comes from the fact that only Catholics can do communion in the Catholic faith. But that’s neither here not there.
You see, I believe that it doesn’t matter what “religion” you belong to, or what “religion” you practice. I believe that what matters is that you believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross to save your soul. That’s it, plain and simple. You can be purple, blue polka-dotted, a transvestite, a prostitute, gay, a homophobe (like pastor Fred Phelps whose church I mentioned above), bi-sexual, a girl that got pregnant as a teenager, a drug addict, or a boozer, and well, God still loves YOU. He may not love the choices you make, but the beauty in having a relationship with Christ is that none of that matters.
Now, that’s not saying that we shouldn’t go to church or be involved in helping our community or set examples of how to live a good life, share and show love, or even follow what’s in The Bible- I’m simply breaking it down to what I believe to my very core. And frankly too many churches and “religions” have forgotten that. Gays find themselves on the outs; pregnant teenage girls also find themselves on the outs- because sex is a taboo subject in Judeo-Christian homes; and if you don’t talk about it and educate the kids about it, they’ll just feel like they can’t bring it up and then the guilt sets in. Sex addicts, drug addicts, and the like, all feel like they have to hide their struggles, lest they be judged. And, I don’t know about the rest of you, but that’s not what my God has in mind for anyone He loves.
The fact is we’re all only human. We all struggle with things- be it our mouths, an addiction or something else. But that doesn’t lessen God’s love for us. Our choices are our choices. After all, God did give us each a free will. And I may not agree with your choice, but that doesn’t mean I should love you less, treat you like less of a person, or make you feel bad because you chose to do something I disagree with. My job is to love you anyway. And that’s what it’s all about. Jesus did it. So can we.
For more spins visit Sprite’s Keeper.
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Peg says
I so agree with what you said. I feel the same way but you put it much better than I did. Great Spin.
Della says
If you want a mind boggling good book please take the time to read “The Shack”. It definately makes you think outside the box. Although I disagree with some of the things you mentioned because of my interpretation of the Bible, doesn’t mean that you are wrong and that I should love you any less. We have a difference of opinion, that’s all. Too bad more religious folks can’t seem to be understanding. But, since the beginning of time people have disagreed on religion and I suppose that it will continue until the end….Hope everyone has a great Friday!
Mandie says
You put that sooo good. I am with you on that what matters is the relationship you have with the LORD and that you have accepted jesus and what he did for you. I think “religion” can be a dangerous thing really and it can cause a lot of hurt. Jesus did not intend for “religion” He wants us to walk and talk with him. But like you said that doesn’t mean we can’t be involved in church and such but don’t get wrapped up in the politics and people as what GOD is about. To many people look at people instead of straight to him. I to have been involved because of my ex husband in some prity severe churches and I hated it because they were lieing to people about GOD and his love for us. When I was laying in my bed dying my ex-husband actually told me it was my fault and it was because I didn’t have enough faith that I wasn’t healed by GOD. SERIOUSLY!!! I just hope and pray that people see GOD and not the people that say they represent him. We all have faults but we all answer to him and no one else in the end. What a great subject:)
Sprite's Keeper says
You’re completely right. Everyone, no matter what faith, has a right to their opinion and none shall be suppressed. Unfortunately, this applies to the extremists as well. :-/
Great Spin! You’re linked!
Laufa says
Your previous commentors are convicted. You really laid it out there. Most Christians won’t spell it out as well as you did of their beliefs, since there are so many gray areas. I am proud of you for it. You might get hate mail, just ignore it and keep believing.
Stacy Uncorked says
AMEN! You put it much better than I ever could. Like Laufa said, there are so many gray areas, I love that you just put it out there. You’re my hero! 🙂 Great Spin!
devon says
atta girl.
Carol says
Yep. It’s a choice for each of us to make.
SuziCate says
Great post. Who are we to judge other’s sins as we are all sinners? And having a personal relationship with Him is what matters.