As I type this, it's raining, it's pouring, I wish I were snoring. I've been on heifer duty the past week, which, of course I love. But I'm dragging ...
Sometimes You Gotta Slow Down
I was handling my coming 8 year old mare today. I started her when she was two, and have ridden her on and off a bit here and there since then. She ...
Photos from the Branding Pen
I've been uber busy this summer, as evidenced by the lack of posts here (but you can still read what I'm writing about horsemanship over at Cavvy ...
A Typical Day on the Ranch
I'm often asked: what's a typical day on the ranch? I chuckle inside and then quietly say with a smile on my face, "there is no such thing"! When you ...
Cosmo – the newest addition to my horse herd
It was a dark and stormy night. At about 11:30 we heard a crashing/knocking and weren't sure what it was. When Zach poked his head out of the back ...
Where the Wild Onions Grow
Where the wild onions grow there's grass, and clover and wild flowers. Pretty yellow flowers that wave above the grass: Where the ...
Buckskin and Blue
I think it's time for a giveaway! It's been a while, and since we're calving, and don't have time to share the stories (and there are a few already), ...
Could You Live Here?
There’s a line in my favorite movie, “The Man from Snowy River”, (set in Australia) where the protagonist asks the hero of the film, Jim Craig, a ...
From the Branding Pen
Our annual Father's Day branding is here this Saturday, so I figured, why not another installment of my "From the branding pen" Series, right? Here ...
Wordless Wednesday
Happy Trails! ...