I know it took me forever to get these up, and for that I apologize.
The Hoover Dam is considered one of the Engineering Marvels of the Modern World, and rightly so. Weighing in at 6.6 million tons, she is 726.4 ft tall, 1244 ft. long and 660ft wide at the base; it is definitely a site to behold. We didn’t take the tour of the power plant, we just toured the visitor center; that was cool enough on its own. With mock up generators, and illustrations on how they built it, along with interactive programs to see how they determine how much electricity to output, I felt like I was on a school field trip again!
I think the pictures will speak for themselves. We managed to take one on the lines for Nevada and Arizona. Some of the pictures were taken on our trip there, and some as we left. Hoover Dam is like its own city- they have their own police force and of course, generate their own power! They have started construction on a bridge that will take you over the Colorado River, instead of having to actually go over the Dam. Apparently traffic on the Dam can back up for hours due to all the tourists. Kelsey took most of the photos at the Dam- she captured some where you can see people at the bottom. That gives a pretty good indication of how massive this structure really is.
Those are awesome. I’ve never had a chance to go there but I feel like I’ve been now. I love the contrast between the rugged beauty of the natural landscape against the modern engineering taking place.
You, are also cute as a button.
Wow. What beautiful scenery, and since I do work an an electric company, and my husband is Manager of the Engineering Division, I was amazed at the power lines going up that mountain. Just wow!
Wow! Great photos! I sat here with my mouth open as I scrolled throught the photos. Both the dam and the bridge under construction are amazing. Plus the landscape is like nothing I’ve ever seen before. Nwo I want to go on a “field trip” with my guys.
Awesome photos! Thanks for sharing them with us. I’m going t show them to my kids.
Have a great day and enjoy the sunshine! 😀