Reverb10 asks: What do you want to try next year? Is there something you wanted to try in 2010? What happened when you did / didn’t go for it?
Ideally, life is a culmination of things tried. You try, you fail. You try again. It’s like the colt that is just born in the pasture- his first instinct is to get up as soon as he can. His survival depends on it. So they try, and try again. As should we all if we’re to be successful.
Maybe not everyone feels like this, but I certainly do. I’m not saying that there isn’t some degree of frustration or the desire to throw in the towel, but that would get me nowhere. In many aspects of my life trying is a daily activity- certainly there is a degree of trying when riding colts. You ask and if the horse responds, you can let them be for a while. There’s a degree of trying when making jewelry- but more than that it’s doing. Just doing something that you want to do is a “try” in my opinion.
One thing that I wanted to try in 2010 was going to ride with Buck Brannaman. And we’ll all recall how well that went! Because I’m sure everyone is bored with hearing about it. It went well enough for me to ride with him a second time! It is life changing, to be sure.
In 2011, I will continue to hone my skills as a colt starter and horseman; I’ll be running our internship program by myself, and helping others learn to start colts. It could be considered a daunting task, however, you can often learn just as much by teaching as you do by doing.
Is there anything new you want to try in 2011?
What's on your mind?