And outside.
I’m not sure I’m going to do so well in this northern climate come winter.
Seriously, folks.
I took the day off today, after feeding my horses this morning, so I could plant flower beds. I love flower beds, and since Zach doesn’t care what I do (or plant) I get to do whatever I want! He even bought the flowers! Gotta love a man like that! On the subject of flowers, I got all the bulbs in, save for a few hyacinth (one of my favorites).
This was, however, not the pick of the days upon which to embark on this adventure. It has been raining/cold/windy/dreary and otherwise, a blah, blah fall day.
Did I mention that is OMFG cold out? Like makes me want to build a fire in the fireplace. Oh wait. I don’t have one…
Ok. So maybe it’s not cold like you people that are from this part of the country are used to. But cold for this Texas girl. The thermometer reads that it’s 48 outside. I just opened the door to grab something from outside, and I’ll be damned if it doesn’t even feel like WINTER out there. WTF?
I haven’t been able to feel my feet/toes for an hour now. I mean, A girl has to have immaculately groomed toenails to attend a wedding right? Well maybe not most of the women I’ve met from this part of the country, but the hell! I’m from Texas, and it’s certainly sac-religious down there. So sacrifices had to be made. I’m sure it’s been long enough and I could slip my frozen feet into a slipper or a sock, but I’m trying to make darn sure I don’t ruin a toenail! Then I’d have to start all over! And NO ONE wants that!
On a lighter note, I finally got to repaint this ugly lamp that’s been upstairs. I will post before and after photos, when I get a new lamp shade. One that is suitably pretty!
hey – I repainted a lamp this week too!
And yes – I will be doing the $15 christmas ones too. Then I will give you back your zebra one if you want! 🙂
48 degrees IS cold! Wow.
There’s been frost on the ground here and that makes me sad.
I’m a transplanted Montanan, now living in western Washington, which I call the Pacific NorthWET. We rarely get snow, but the humidity makes 40 degrees feel a lot colder. And, I’m afraid I’ve acclimated over the 12 years I’ve lived here. what used to elicit a “Cold? You ain’t seen cold till you’ve lived through a 50 below blizzard!” now makes me shiver and agree, “Brrr. Yes, it’s cold.” grin. But I’m looking forward to a writers conference in San Antonio later this month and a trip to visit my family in Phoenix in November.
Stay warm.
I would say planting bubls in 48 degree weather is FREAKING COLD!!!! And I really hope it DIDN’T mess up your toes. It seems no matter what kind of shoes I wear when I’m outside, my feet get dirty and my nails get all messed up.