Here is the list that I compiled; complete with the things that you, my friends and readers, added to it. My comments follow:
1. I am thankful for God who loves me unconditionally.
2. I am thankful for pretty, red walls in my kitchen, that were, painted that color, without fuss, by the best man in the world.
3. I am thankful that Zach wakes up and thinks to himself, first thing in the morning- what can I do to show Jenn I love her today? What can I do to make her life better?
I mean, how lucky am I to have a man that thinks that way?
4. Chickens. I love my chickens.
5. That I have the ability to get up every morning and do exactly what I want to do that day.
6. Baby Bam Bam. I may have expected two colts this year, and only ended up with one. But he’s a pretty great one at that!
7. A wonderful extended family. Families don’t come better than the one here. Honest.
8. Wide Open Spaces. Room to make big mistakes. Room to be myself.
9. That Zach thinks I’m a great cook.
10. That I have a roof over my head and I don’t have to worry about losing it.
11. My health. I have eyes that work to see. I have ears that work to hear. I have a healthy set of lungs. I have healthy legs. I can ride, I can walk, I can climb.
12. I am thankful that I live in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave- where opportunity abounds. All I have to do is reach out and take it.
13. That I have a pantry full of food and a freezer full of meat.
14. That I no longer have to work in an office! My office, is God’s country. How great is that?
15. That I have great friends.
16. That I am able to spend my days horseback if I desire (which is what I did yesterday).
17. That I have carte blanche over making our house a *home*.
18. For super parents that raised me to be a functioning member of society.
19. I’m thankful for the beautiful weather we’ve been having. It’s one less month of wintery weather that we’ll have to endure in the cold north of South Dakota. Really, while it snowed three times in October, it has been just gorgeous this month!
20. I am soooo thankful for my laptop. It nearly died this week and Zach saved it.
21. I’m thankful that Zach is able to save computers and understands technology. I love you, babe!
22. For all the good people in my life.
23. For all the experiences I’ve had in my life- both good and bad.
24. For a comfortable bed.
25. For my own space.
26. That I don’t have to wonder where I’m getting to eat today.
27. For the ability/funds/opportunity to shop on Black Friday.
28. That I beat my little brother in a game of Bowling last night.
29. That I live in such a peaceful place surrounded by people who love me.
30. For the many talents God has given me.
Reader’s Thanksgiving:
I’m thankful for having a husband that loves me for me, which is truly amazing! And even though I gained 20 lbs, he still thinks I’m beautiful and tells me so.
I am thankful that he (my husband) is healthy since I get a night off where he deals with Sprite’s cunning tactics at bedtime when I’m obviously too far gone to handle it.
I’m thankful that I do have a back-up horse, and I’m thankful I’ve learned to hang on to her decent enough to still be able to rodeo. I’m thankful for parents to help pay my vet bills – more importantly, I’m thankful for the best parents in the world in general. I’m thankful for my amazing boyfriend, who, though he hates her, hauls my mare to the roping pen and heels off of her just to make me happy and keep her head sane.
I’m thankful for friends and family!
I love this. It’s so important to focus on our blessings! What I’m learning is that it’s all how I look at it. I complain about cleaning my house and doing laundry, when really I should be thankful that I have a house and plenty of clothes!
I’m thankful for all my bloggy friends, my family, my health and that I have a roof over my head when there are sooo many out there who don’t right now.
I think the underlying theme is that we’re thankful for our family, our friends, and a roof over our heads. Let’s remember this as we go into the Christmas season and be grateful and thankful for the blessings and the gifts that we’ll be receiving from others. I really hate hearing about all the returns on the day after Christmas. I mean, really, you’re going to return something that someone took the time to shop for because they thought you’d enjoy it but you want something else entirely? or you want the money? I feel as a society we’re generally ungrateful. I know I’m going to work on that- counting my blessings every day.
Maureen@IslandRoar says
I think you’re right about gratitude. We could all be a little more “grateful.”
Okay, I just made that my goal for this holiday season. I was starting to get stressed out with all there is to do and how it’s all up to me, blah, blah, blah…BORING. But I’m so blessed. So I’m just gonna make “grateful” my mantra.
See how wise you are? You just saved me probably 250 dollars at some shrink.
You and Zach make one gorgeous couple! ANd the man can fix a computer as well as wrangle cattle? I’d hold onto him!
Dee Dee says
What a great post!
Girl only you could rock a pair of bowling shoes in style!