This week will be awesome. There’s no two ways about it. I’ve handled colts already, tomorrow we go gather at our neighbor’s big pasture, and Friday we ship for Uncle Leo. Plua, Thursday is my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There’s gonna be more rides on Fridge and getting these colts handled has moved to the top priority list around here (finally). Oh, and Friday last week, I may have gone and embraced my punk side with purple, pink, and turquoise in my hair!
Yesterday, as I handled a coming 8yo (who has maybe 45 rides), I worked on getting him to pick me up off the fence, because as I’ve mentioned earlier, picking you up off the fence is less about that and more about helping the horse learn that you’re willing to let him think. I never used to want my horses to pick me up off the fence. In fact, I despised the idea. I thought it was dumb and I didn’t see the point. I couldn’t get them to a place where they were even close enough for me to try.
The point I’m trying to make here, is that our attitude can and does directly affect our success or “failures” with our horses. I believe 110% now that I CAN get my horse to a place where he can pick me up off the fence, and I see the benefits from it, but I had to arrive there on my own.
Prior to my enlightenment about getting on from the fence, or rather teaching/getting the horse ready to pick me up , I’d have spent two hours getting nowhere but angry, and yesterday in 15 minutes, Festus (Gump and Dino’s half brother) was ready to pick me up and was glad to be there next to me, where I could rub him.
I’m finding a huge difference in myself since I’ve embraced these ideas too.
You’ve got to do what you believe in or believe in what you do.
Happy Trails!
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