Here’s the promised video of Kelsey making a good run in Winner, SD at the River Region High School Rodeo.
Life on the Ranch Through My Lens
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Here’s the promised video of Kelsey making a good run in Winner, SD at the River Region High School Rodeo.
LOVE it!! Is that you yelling the background? Dang, I sure wish I could live my life with horses.
Yes, Bina that is me hollering at her. I'm the only person here that sounds like I'm from the South. *giggle*
I was sure that was you walking by me in the stands on Sunday-but you looked like you were on a mission and I was too frozen to move fast enough to catch you-LOL.
I'd like to see more pics of the beautiful Jenn Zeller now and then:)
Hey, thought I would let you know they are going to start having open barrel races in White River. They were planning on having one this Tuesday at 6:30, but the arena is going to be a mudpit-so not entirely sure whether this one is a go or not. They will likely go ahead with it, but I doubt Meg or I will run if it's still this muddy.
But the plan is that they will have a couple a month. And if there is enough interest will add Pole Bending too.
Don't know if you guys are interested or know of anyone who is. They will be putting flyers up at the Ft. Pierre regional rodeo.
We won't be there. I only entered Meg at Winner this year. Neither her or her horse is very experienced and I want to make sure the runs they put out are on decent ground. Winner's arena stays nice even if it is muddy out. Ft. Pierre's was a nightmare a couple of years ago, when I took my niece. Didn't want Megan to have to deal with that.
I'm sure we'll run across you guys somewhere along the line this summer though. Thanks for the invite to your place.:)
Oh yea, and there is a barrel racing in Kadoka on June 21st. Exhibitions start at 4pm(MST). They only have one on the schedule. I think they are just going to see how many people show up. Megan and I went a couple of times last year. It was a small turn-out, but we enjoyed it. It's close and it's cheap. Can't beat that when you are seasoning horses-LOL.