In case anyone is wondering, I’m still alive. Though sometimes I’m not sure how awake I am!
We have started calving in earnest – which means all night heifer checks for me, morning runs through the cows, afternoon rides through the heifers and heifer pairs, afternoons of drifting heifer pairs to summer pasture and of course we have a bottle baby. More on how little Ellie came to be a bottle baby, coming soon to a computer near you, but first a few photos from the past week!
Black, blue, gold and green…
3 year old Brangus cows head to water.
Avie and I head out to look for, and bring home, a cow with a bad bag. And yes, we found her.
A handsome day-old bull calf soaks up some sun. He may be a future heifer bull.
Happy Trails!

Good Luck calving, Jen.