It's been quite some time since I've talked about horse processing. But with the bipartisan passage through the House and Senate of the H2112, The ...
The State of the Horse Industry: Part 4
In case you've been in a hole and haven't been paying attention, we've been discussing the current state of the horse industry. So you can catch up ...
The State of the Horse Industry: Part 3
Previously we've looked at Arguments 1 and 2, in favor of closing the horse processing facilities. And if you missed the introduction, or the post ...
The State of the Horse Industry: Part 2
This is the second part in our series about the horse industry, so if you missed the introduction or part one, you might want to read those first. I ...
The State of the Horse Industry: Part 1
At Utah State University, a group of undergraduate students, a professor, an equine extension agent and the coordinator of the equine extension ...
Random Thought Thursday
I don't really know what else to call this blog this morning. I should be working on my weekly Spin Cycle, but I have other things to do this morning, ...
Let’s Define *Humane*
Yesterday's post caused quite a buzz. I had several good comments and a good question by Bina. So to answer her, I figured rather than write a novel ...
Effects of the Ban on Horse Slaughter
By Rita BrhelThat horse owners around the nation are starting to feel desperate in finding ways to unload their aging and unwanted stock, is an ...
Horses Being Abandonded
The link above will take you to the article. Sad.Sad.So Sad. ...
Horse Slaughter Humor…
I got this in an email but it's funny and true in some cases...Dear Anita Getaclue,Thank you for your fervent support of the recent laws that were ...