Septic Arthritis, which is basically what Shuttle has, is a bacterial infection of the joint. I've found a few sources, one of which says:A very ...
The Big Red Dog is Home!
And I'm Super Glad! If he makes it to tomorrow, the vet says he will pull through. They always do, he says, if they make it to day four. ...
Texie Dog
He was doing better- and then John called this afternoon- after swinging by to pick up some boiled chicken and rice for him- to say that he was really ...
How to Treat an Infected Joint
I've been asked what they're going to do to work on Shuttle's bad stifle.The plan is that they lavage it daily- which means they'll flush it with ...
Will She or Won’t She?
The prognosis is guarded for whether or not this infection in my mare's stifle will clear up.When I began thinking about it I just lose it.I need to ...
A Sigh of Relief…
I watched Tex's surgery today, and that was a wonderful experience. I got to breathe for him, and I got to be there when they took him back, and when ...
Black- no Utah winnings…
Most of you know I sold my big Easy Jet gelding last March. He wasn't really for sale but some people called and wanted something for their daughter- ...
Such is life!
I had to take Shuttle back to the vet on Friday (3/9) as he wanted to see if her joint cavity had closed. It hasn't. So he sent me home with a 1/4/7 ...
Life just keeps throwing curves…
My checkbook hates me. Big time. Tuesday morning, I go out and see that my precious Shuttle, my 4yo filly, has punctured her knee. On what? I ...