Terrorists suck. I hate them. They are bastards. There I said it.
The days of being able to fly without having to practically get undressed to do so, are long gone. The days of packing just one bag without travel size shampoos, conditioners, and putting cosmetics into different sized containers that are under 3.4 oz are also, sadly, long gone. Bastards. Effing Bastards.
In case you can’t tell, I was recently on an airplane. Took it to go skiing. Which, I’m sure, terrorists don’t do, because it’s probably against their religion or something. Yes, I’m being cynical. But isn’t it sort of funny? I mean if you think about it, it’s almost like they’re terrorists because they don’t believe in fun (really, I think it’s religious freedom they disagree with but I digress!). They don’t drink (unless what I’ve read is wrong). So can’t you just see, some crazy terrorists going down a mountain, with a turbin on his head, his face covered up, carrying an AK-47 instead of poles? Patrolling a mountain for the inevitable flask of schnapps? Or, for, Allah forbid, people laughing? Ok. Enough silliness.
In case by now you haven’t guessed, I had a rotten experience (with my bags that is- skiing was killer!) All because I couldn’t pack my shampoo in my carry-on. Nooooooooo. It had to go down below, in the damn belly of the plane. The very, unpressurized belly of the plane. And wouldn’t you know, that when I get to the condo, my stupid, full and new shampoo bottle has exploded. All over the bag that it was in. Now, I know some of you would say- just pack it in a ziplock. Well I didn’t. But I did pack it in the fun bag that comes with my luggage; you know, the one that is plastic lined, and zips? It will clean. But I had to spend at least 10 minutes of great party time cleaning out the bag, and all its contents. OH yes! Not only did this happen when I arrived at the condo, but the same thing happened on my return trip as well.
So see, you effing terrorists- You’re terrorizing people and you don’t have to do anything but try something once and then all of us are terrorized by the airline industry and damn shampoo bottles. Good thing the skiing was great!
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