I don’t know if I have mentioned this or not, but I really really really don’t like dog hair.
I like my dogs and I don’t mind having them inside, but honestly they’re inside way more than they should be. And with 4 dogs, the dog hair is way too much to keep up with.
And along with dog hair, comes the carpet. Of the two things I dislike most about housekeeping, it’s carpet and dog hair. Maybe I should add a third in there- dusting. But if I had less carpet and less dogs (or dogs that were outside more) I’d have less dust.
It’s a never-ending battle: dog hair v. Jennifer.
I used to hate carpet and dog hair. Then we got wood flooring. Now we have tumbleweeds of dog hair the size of Volkswagons. At least with carpet it stays put.
Oh, but with tumbleweeds of dog hair, you can sweep them up or vacuum them up and they don’t become embedded in the rugs!
Oh lord, I have so much dog-hair in my house, in my car, on my clothes….I have to take scotch tape and double-side it to get it off my clothes everyday before heading into the office. I vaccum daily, in my car….things will be nice soon. I get them shaved down twice a year. I have a shepard/doberman and a retriever/yellow lab. Not exactly long-haired dogs, but man are they high-maintenance!
Jen, I’m lovin’ the new pic. Your husband is one lucky straight-guy. ;-).
My Pug shoots out hair like a porcupine. NEVER seen anything like it. He shedded out last spring MORE than my horse. I keep him limited to the rooms with hardwood floors. Then I dry-mop with a swifter. Vacuming just turns the hair into tumble-weeds.