On a ranch, it’s not uncommon to have lots of cats running around. I mean, this place is big enough for every cat to have its own zip-code.
Granny has a house-cat that managed to get herself knocked-up. Miss Kitty was born in May of 2013 and is now a mama herself. Time flies. The time was coming for Miss Kitty to have her kittens, and she wanted me to “calve” her out for her (ranch wife humor, y’all). I agreed. My indoor/outside cat, Sookie had had her kitten (she had them outside in a -10 and only one survived) a couple weeks earlier so I figured they could live together. Sookie is, after all, Miss Kitty’s mama. As an aside both Sookie and Kitty will be going to see the nice man/woman and will be spayed once their kittens are able to be weaned.
Higgins, my little Papillon, has always gotten along with cats, and these two are no exception. He comes and goes in and out, and hangs out by my feet, all the time. Anyway, all the cats and dogs had been getting along fine. Then on St. Patricks’s day, Kitty had her babies. A couple days later I went into my office to do some work, and clean the cat litter because that is where the mama cats are living right now. Higgins followed me in and I thought nothing of it.
Next thigh I know Kitty is yowling, grappling, and on top of Higgins who is yelping and trying to figure out what he’s done wrong. He finally managed to free himself and she charges again! Grabbed him by the neck and was holding on!
He’s leaving the office at my “out” command but the cat isn’t letting go! He’s halfway into the hall and I finally grab the cat by her neck, chunk her back in the office and push Higgins down the hall, returning to my office to shut the door. As I walk in, I find that Kitty has now laid into Sookie!
About ten minutes later, I find Higgins laying in the living room offering to go nowhere near my office. Miss kitty is bigger than him and he’s such a faithful friend, but he’s having none of it!
The next day, I find my exercise ball chair is flat. I’m pretty sure in the ruckus caused by me sending Kitty airborne she caught the ball and deflated it.
That’s kind of how my life rolls. Never a dull moment!
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