The weather around here this week has been absolutely beautiful. Clear, blue skies, a slight breeze and definitely cooler temps. Too bad fall will feel like it’s leaving us come this weekend. But this week, it’s made for great riding weather!
Daddy had been gone to France and Algeria. I really missed him. Not just because he helps so much with my horses, but because he’s just generally nice to have around and he’s my dad! He’s currently out fixing more truck issues. Poor Beast. It’s having a bad year.
He brought back some red wine for me from France. I am told it is a great year, and that the French don’t put a lot of preservatives in their wine like we do over here, so it should be quite lovely. I’ll have to research what it is, other than red wine. Not much on the label is in English!
I’m glad he’s back safe; excited about the wine, and enjoying this weather. Life is pretty darn good.
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