Not just puny feeling either.
Sick. Really sick. Flu-like symptoms, save for the puking.
I think it’s some sort of upper-respiratory infection I must have picked up at the barrel race. I started feeling bad Monday night on the way home.
By Tuesday morning I was running a mild fever and didn’t want you to touch me, anywhere. I ached all over, but especially my head, ears, chest, back, hands, legs. Oh wait, that is pretty much everywhere. It was nice that it rained on Tuesday, since I didn’t feel like I wasted an entire day that way.
I basically slept the better part of the day on Tuesday. Wednesday I felt a smidge better, but I really still slept the better part of that day too. I finally got up that afternoon and rode a horse. I couldn’t sit inside any longer.
Yesterday I worked, and ran some errands, and basically rode everything on the place there was to ride. Today, I’m wishing I hadn’t. But I had lessons to give and money to make, so I really had NO choice.
I feel worse today, chest congestion-wise than I have all week, and I’m coughing up all sorts of yummy junk. I’m supposed to go see Sex and the City tonight with friends. I’m contemplating NOT going, as I don’t want to be the one girl in there coughing up crap and ruining the movie for everyone else.
Ok. I’m over it.
I don’t know what I’m going to do about tonight yet, but I know I have like 5 head of horses to ride today. And a lesson to give here right shortly.
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