My mother asked me a week or so ago “if money were no object would you still work as hard and as long as you do?”
I didn’t even hesitate when I answered, well yeah, probably. I might ride less outside horses and have 4-5 of my own good barrel horses, and I’d go to more barrel races too if money were no object.
My work consumes me. And it’s not that it’s work- it’s a way of life to me. It is who I am. I’m married to my horses. And I rather like it. It’s never bothered me. Is it inconvenient sometimes? Absolutely. But do I ever think to myself, “Boy, I wish I didn’t have to do this everyday”? NEVER!
It’s a hard concept for many people to grasp. But I’ve manage to make my passion and my once, hobby, into a living. And I LOVE IT. It makes LIFE more ENJOYABLE!
They say that if you do something you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. It’s true.
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