Greetings from Texas! And not only am I in Texas, I’m in Texas in the Spring! Spring has sprung here, and there’s green grass, blooming flowers and plants and it’s warm. I’ve been in t-shirts and flip flops since arriving. Can I just tell you how thankful my feet are to be out of muck boots? Actually, that probably goes without saying.
Anyway, now that I’m here, I’ve been busy taking photos of people and things, including a girl and her horse. We’ll get to those photos later, but I’ve got plenty of photos of spring, as well as a few of our newest acquisition, Jackson. Jackson is a 6 year old donkey that my friend/client picked out for us. He is a painted, stud, donkey who will be having surgery on Tuesday, but in the meantime, I absolutely must share his adorable-ness with y’all!
What is not to love about this face?
Or those spots?
Or these ears? Oh the ears!
He might just be as adorable as baby goats!
I will be back very soon with some photos of Spring and some photos a beautiful girl and her gorgeous horse!
Happy Monday and Happy Trails!
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Lacey Jo says
I love Donkey’s! We used to have one named Julie growing up on the ranch. She just passed a few years ago. But I swear she was the sweetest animal alive.
~The South Dakota Cowgirl~ says
I love the donkey too! He is now a gelded donkey!