On the same day that I made my wine-barrel planters, which have now been beat to death by a week’s worth of wind at 45 mph and now snow (yes, it’s snowing as I type this), I planted some geraniums and another “planter” with some petunias. The whole entrance still seems unfinished, and that’s where y’all come in. I’d really love to hear your ideas and suggestions for this area. One thing I’ve considered doing is using some antique milk containers as planters- though finding antiques here might be challenging. I know I can buy new ones, but where’s the fun in that? The landscape is in serious need of some height (and more visual interest) and that is one way I’ve considered addressing what I see to be an *issue*.
Here is the bucket planter:
I’m definitely thinking it needs some spiky, ornamental grass added to it, and maybe some zinnas or something else. I realize that the petunia flowers will get larger, but more plants would add additional interest.
Here’s the view of the steps as they currently are. Please don’t judge me. I know the toe-kick for the screen door is muddy. And that the trim around the screen door is in need of a fresh coat of paint. In fact, I need a new screen door too. But we’re not focusing on that right now, mkay?
I definitely think this area needs *something*. Be it antique milk containers turned into planers, or some plant stands and more pots, I’m simply at a loss.
Next, is the project that I started last year. It’s still not done. The weather is flatly refusing to cooperate with me but I will show you what I’ve done so far, and what I plan to do. It’s going to be a perennial garden. One Saturday last year, I decided to border these three (already existing) juniper shrubs with big river rock. So I moved rocks by hand- all day! I wanted to fill in the bed with good soil and more river rock to make a rock and perennial flower garden. Since I’m such a fan of desert, rustic, rocky landscapes, and because I like low maintenance gardening, I figured this was the perfect way to do just that. Zach helped me fill-in with the river rock- well, he drove the skid-steer and moved the rock we already had here- it was leftover from the initial building of this house.
You can see, above, where I left some empty space. In those dirt spaces I plan to plant delphiniums, echinacia, black-eyed-susans and some forget-me-nots.
And in the empty rock places, I’m going to transplant some yucca. So it will look something like this:
Okay. So those are really only stickers I added to the photo, but you get the general idea!
I’m also going to plant some super tough buffalo grass in front of that bed, and maybe in my whole yard. It doesn’t ever get very green, but it also chokes out weeds, dandelions and doesn’t get tall enough to ever need mowed! It can live on very little water. Since I have the chickens out free-ranging, I don’t dare put a weed-spray or weed killer down, and the dandelions are pretty much taking over this yard. I love yard-work, but not mowing the lawn, and I have at least an acre to mow. So NOT mowing would be just super!
Thanks for humoring me. I can’t wait to read your thoughts and ideas and comments on my landscaping!
Sharon says
If you replace the screen door and repaint to white with no mud or toe marks what kind of a ranch would you be running? The pictures are and landscaping are great.
Kacey says
Coral bells they are really pretty I think they would go great with your river rocks!
Salvia nemorosa these are so pretty! Maybe you could mix those up in there too!
My aunt(s) who both have green thumbs and stay in there gardens all day. One has a more floral arragenment and she just buys the potters that look cool from hobby lobby, home depot, walmart ext. The other one antique shops alot and she has a mini wagon its very small looks like a midium sized dog could pull it and she lined it and planted some in there then she got a even smaller one and put it next to here door and planted stuff in there.
If I can get pictures I will email them to you! Hope these ideas help!
~The South Dakota Cowgirl~ says
OMG! Kacey! That would be great. An old wagon is a great idea! Please if you can get me photos that’d be great!
Kacey says
I know I am going over there this weekend so I will snap some for you!
April says
I’m not sure where you find your energy, and desire to be so perfect Jenn, but can I have some of whatever you are taking?? Your creativity is amazing and inspiring. Another idea, and it’s just that, an idea, is a wheelbarrow planter – They come in a few different sizes, and are rather cute. And with your flower arranging abilities, I think you could make it look very cute. I’m not sure if you know what I’m referring to, so if you would like, I can email you a picture of them – (of course I’d need your email address in order to do that). Happy planting!
~The South Dakota Cowgirl~ says
April- If I knew how to share it, I would! I don’t know where I get my desire to be so perfect either- sometimes I wish I could turn it off. It’s going to be the end of me where my horses are concerned. I think I know what you’re talking about w/regards to a wheel-barrow planter, but I’m not sure I’d know where to find one around here. You can send me a photo at easyjet @ gmail.
Amy (Tatum's Mommy) says
How about a pot/planter/wheel barrow/etc with some kind of vine that you can get an iron trellis for that will add something vertical to the porch? Depending on what you got, you could stick the trellis thingy right in the planter. You know that iron one we have on our fireplace? Something like that would be ranch-y.
~The South Dakota Cowgirl~ says
I don’t have room for all of that on my small entrance deck, but I do have some trellis wires that mom and dad gave me. I’m thinking should plant an old rusty water tank with herbs and flowers and some climbing black-eyed-susans now that y’all have blessed me with your ideas!
Janna says
I admire you landscaping abilities. I don’t have them but I admire them.
Snow? Yikes, we’ve had rain this week but I don’t think we’ll be seeing anymore snow.
Heather says
Well I can’t see any of the pics (I guess my dial up is too slow), but I love the Yucca idea. When they have that tall spine with all the ivory blooms on it, it is just so beautiful. I really like the milkcans idea with tall grass in them. Old wagons are popular here.