Sometimes, letting go is difficult.
Sometimes, letting go is easy.
Sometimes, letting go is the best thing you can do for the sake of your sanity.
As part of the growth I experienced this year I found it necessary do away with the caustic people in my life. I should have purged these people a year earlier when they treated me badly, but I didn’t. I wasn’t sure I could live without them in my life. If I’m honest, I’d been used to being treated badly. Having been in abusive relationships nearly a decade will condition you to believe that you don’t deserve better; that you are a doormat.
But, I deserve better.
And, I discovered that I lived just fine without caustic, abusive people in my life.
My life went on and I was happy about it.
The sun came up and the sun set.
I did all the things I wanted to do with NO stress in my life due to the obnoxious people I’d allowed to be in it. In fact, my cowboy even said that I was happier when I hadn’t spent any time with the rotten apples dotting my life’s landscape.
Sometimes you have to let go.
And sometimes it’s the best thing for your life, for you and for the people in it.
What, or who did you let go of this year?
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Mandie Thiel says
Thanks for that. I have found myself struggling a lot with this lately. I have a lot of people in my life that really don’t need to be there. I just hate hurting people and it hurts when people don’t like me. But if I am really honest with myself do they really like me if they can treat me the way they do. You are right life will go on without them and it will go on better I am sure. Thanks for posting this!!!
Diana Lancaster says
Good for you! It is such a struggle for me. I cannot let go of the negative people in my life as I am caring for elderly parents. The age and dementia contributes greatly to their attitudes. My challenge is to not let living in this situation have a great impact on my inner balance and peace. When it really starts getting to me I drop everything and head for the horses. Works everytime. 🙂
Della Frey says
To Diane, I have already walked in your shoes with my mother and am still walking now with my father. I lost my mom in Jan of this year and believe me, when the end comes you will not have one regret if you can let all the negative daily things go. It has made my grieving process much easier. I loved her dearly and would do it all again, attitudes and all! As for my dad, time is the problem. I don’t have enough of it. I was just praying yesterday that Lord please help me keep the right attitude and not become resentful of the time it takes to care for an elderly parent. We will all be in their shoes one day. I hope that you have easy days ahead and remember that we are commanded by God to do what you are doing. Honor thy father and mother so that thy days may be long upon the earth…..=)