Life has been a teenie bit hectic since I got back to the ranch after a month in Texas. I’m not even totally unpacked. Part of it is that the weather hasn’t been exceptionally nice for getting stuff out of the trailer. The other part is that I spent the first couple days back home, sleeping. I got very congested while I was in Oklahoma at the BBR Finals. And I didn’t sleep worth a crap while I was in Texas because my dog, Higgins, was waking me twice a night demanding to go out. I’ve also been able to ride nearly every day. Which has been just great- though there’s been more riding in the barn that I would have liked. But it’s been really windy and rainy and wet so that’s the best place for riding at the moment. I’ve also been trying to catch up on a month’s worth of TV. Bad, I know.
Is anyone else out there watching Harper’s Island? I’m very confused as to how many days have elapsed since the trip to the Island. In the last episode it looked like they were having some sort of wedding party dinner, yet no one was worried about the superficial blonde with the dog named GiGi not being around.
Sorry. That was a bit off-topic.
I really, for the most part, had a lot of fun while I was in TX. I regret that I made some mistakes with my horses in how I rode them away from competitions, but we’ll all (horses and myself) be better prepared next time I go for a trip like that. I got to see all my friends at least once, so yes, Bina I have heard from Ve. She’s doing good. She’s moving right now so her home internet is down, but I expect we’ll see her back in bloggy land when it’s back up. We better!
It’s beautiful and sunny outside today. I should be able to ride outside. And that is what I intend to do. Have a happy Friday everybody!
PS. After I published this initially, Zach texted me and said that we have our first colt of the year! I’m grabbing the camera and am going to meet it!
Oh Good. Thanks for letting me know about Ve. I was a little worried.
I can’t wait to see pictures of the colt!!!! How exciting!!!!!
I tried to watch Harper’s Island, but keep forgetting about it. I know Slyde watches it and does posts on it every now and then.
No wonder you needed sleep. Traveling makes me so tired. I have no idea why, either. You are just sitting there driving or riding, so why are you more tired than if you worked outside all day??? Strange.
Hey Bina! I’m okay . . . just swamped. I’ll post again soon when the net is back up at the house.
Jenn, I’m glad you are home and getting a little rest! Is Higgins back to normal now?
Please post pics of the newest lil’ one. I’m sure I’ll want to buy him or her!
Just came by to visit and admire your blog. The new colt is adorable!