Or lack thereof.
I have been wondering lately what it is I used to cook, seeing as how it feels like I’m running through the same menu over and over and over again. Tacos, chicken alfredo, burgers, chicken casserole, steak alfredo, pizza, cucmber/tomato salads, burritos, chili, chicken fried steak, etc etc… see how boring and redundant I am?
I am really not. Therein lies the problem.
I have been missing out on seafood.
There is NO seafood here. None of my fabulous Shrimp Alfredo!
Very little seafood selection in the frozen foods section.
NO seafood counter. NONE. Nada. Zip. Zilch.
I miss fresh shrimp. I miss breaded Tilapia. I miss Flounder. I miss fresh crab-legs.
Whatever is a girl to do?
Megan says
Don’t forget pork chops…as much as you LOVE them.
Ali says
Yum….I love fresh fish tacos. Or even some fresh lobster…just off the boat. Sorry, but its the only way I feel better about living where I do!