I have come to rely on your updates! I’m looking for ’em everyday like a fatty looking for a biscuit after a 4 day fast!
I’ve made an executive decision about Puddin and I and our vacation plans for next week. We want to come there for a working vacation! Either during branding or this mass castration party that you speak of in your previous post.
Ve says
I have come to rely on your updates! I’m looking for ’em everyday like a fatty looking for a biscuit after a 4 day fast!
I’ve made an executive decision about Puddin and I and our vacation plans for next week. We want to come there for a working vacation! Either during branding or this mass castration party that you speak of in your previous post.
Ve says
next YEAR . . . our vacation plans for next YEAR!!
Mrs. Henderson says
My goodness, it’s beautiful!
Rachael Myers says
Wait, were are the trees???? It is purdy!!! But, um, trees????