My adorable, chirping, feathered friends arrived from New Mexico yesterday! I have anticipated this day all winter! If you’re wondering what kind of chickens I opted to get, I chose the Giant Cochin- they have feathered feet! I purchased several different varieties, though I’m not sure yet, which ones the hatchery sent me. There are black, barred, buff, white, partridge, and blue colors. I think there’s at least one barred one in there- and I’m hoping that it’s a hen (Yours truly has no idea how to sex a chicken- dad can you help?)! The barred ones are really pretty. Ok. So they’re all gonna be pretty! Anyway, I’m really excited. I’ll keep you posted on thier progress. In the meantime have some pictures of them!
~ The Rockin MLB ~ says
I want some!!! Think I can keep them in my house?
~The South Dakota Cowgirl~ says
You probably could- but it’d make a terrible mess! This particular chicken isn’t supposed to need much room. You could keep them in your back yard! 🙂
theneatos says
omigosh! too cute.
I have a Golden Laced Wyandotte – my first chick in my bathroom! She roams the yard when I can shoo the cat in the house.
Bina says
How can a baby chicken be so freaking cute!!!!! How many did you get? You raising them for eggs, food, fun, to eat bugs???
mutating missionary says
darling! Bryce and Kelley have chickens too!