He’s doing very well now. I’m assuming his cecum is back in place, as if it wasn’t, he probably would still not be with us. He basically laid in one place, like I said earlier from about 10:45pm to 5am.
I was told I could give half rations of feed yesterday, however, he didn’t show much interest in food until about noon yesterday. So we fed him, about a handful at a time, periodically through the day. He really began to feel better when he passed his first stool at around 5pm yesterday. Dad checked on him at 6 and then again at 9 and fed him three times. He drank nearly 2.5 gallons of water.
Today when daddy fed him he gave him half rations, and Indy, true to who he is (he is a PIG!) took his hay, pawed it, flung it and then ate. THAT is the Indy I know! So he’s doing great!
Thanks to all of you that had him in your thoughts and prayers!
I finally got to ride today! I was so excited about it. Tomorrow I plan to ride again, and get some video of a couple horses to add to my business website. The sun is out, and it’s a true Texas Summer now. Humid, sticky, muggy, and otherwise icky! It’s a welcome change to the clouds and rain!
And Steve- Indy could have died if his cecum didn’t fall back into place. That part of his colon moving, is one reason that a horse, when colicky, shouldn’t be allowed to roll. If he were to have twisted his cecum or another part of his intestine, it would have been a death sentence. And the horses that greet you when you’re out with your dogs, probably just want you to scratch their heads! Horses are very curious by nature. Also realize that they are not fight creatures, they are flight creatures. God gave them a big ol’ set of lungs to use if they get scared. I’m so excited someone is learning something from this blog!
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