I am so serious as I write this.
My house is a hot mess. My office might, might, be a tad cleaner though.
I have no excuse. No toddlers. No babies. No animals inside. Though my mama cat did just have more kittens. It’s just the cowboy and me, his son, and occasionally our niece. And both of them are big kids and pick up after themselves. Or at least straighten up after themselves.

Wait…does riding 2-5 horses a day count as an excuse? Does going to count bulls and check the cows count as a reason for a messy house?
I’ve been going to bed with dirty dishes in the sink, because I’m too tired to do them, or even load/unload the dishwasher (whichever it is that needs doing). I leave the house in the morning and don’t come back unless I need a power nap.
Laundry is piled on my pretty zebra chairs in baskets. At least they’re folded. There’s laundry in the hallway too, as that’s the only place in this entire house with room to sort. Our Laundry hasn’t been completely washed, folded and put away since the laundry fairy, my mother, came and washed every last stitch at branding. Sigh. That was June in case you’re wondering!
I can’t get into the postage stamp closet because there’s way too many boots a lot of boots in the way. I haven’t made our bed in what seems like ages (and I used to do this everyday because it makes the room look tidy tidier. I did wash the sheets last week. Freshly washed sheets are like a glorious gift from Heaven. #canigetanamen?
I also didn’t run all week this past week. The Cowboy took the week off from his town job to work on the barn/house project, and as such my schedule is all screwy.
What I did manage to accomplish this week however was riding a LOT of horses, going to town- three times, going to a barrel race, being called by a casting assistant (more to come), piquing the interest of my friends in a “real ranch wives” show (I’m not sure I’m mired in nearly enough drama), and I drank a bottle of wine. Oh, and I managed to get my horse’s feet ready and start packing for my annual “riding with Buck” trip. My friend Sharon and I leave Wednesday! Yippeeeeee!
Who needs a clean house in the summer anyway?
Exactly!!! I don’t think you r a lone cowgirl in this situation. Summer is so short we need to pack all we can in just a few months. Enjoy u have all winter to clean.