Here is something I bet none of you ever thought you’d hear me say- 25 degrees is warm! And as my perception about temperature changes, so does my ability to ride in it! Well that, and maybe my new chinks helped a bit too…and new wool thinsulate lined, mitten/glove thingys.
Anyway, yesterday it was gloriously sunny and clear- no wind- so it was nice. I went to the small calving trap, where Shuttle, Sonora, Big, Lucy, Hope, Lil Banjo, Speckles, and Pommel are spending their winter. Gump is about to get put in this lot too- since I need to be able to catch him (the nearly 2 sections he’s on right now doesn’t allow me to walk out and say, “Hey buddy!”), and I don’t want to have to run 38 geldings into the arena everyday. Have you been on a 4-wheeler when it’s 16 degrees outside? It’s cold. I don’t like it.
I captured a Shuttle with my new pink catch string that Zach got me, in Vegas, for Christmas. And into the barn we went. I had to push my way through Big though to get there. He’s such a dog. He’s like, “Hey! You’re here! You wanna play? Rub me? Say hi? Let me smell your hair. No. Wait. I want to nibble on your gloves!”
I got her brushed out, and saddled with our new saddle pad, and off we went. We trotted about 4 and a half miles, down the road, but she’d have preferred to trot through the snow instead, so I relented and let her trot through the drifts in the bar ditch. Some of the snow was knee deep. She was completely undeterred and was not the least bit cold. She was fresh, since I haven’t ridden her in what seems like weeks. In reality is was just about 2 weeks ago that I last rode, but after our ride, I knew why I’d been Miss Cranky Pants lately. I miss riding my horses. I don’t remember the last time I went two weeks without riding.
Today, though not as gloriously sunny, was still warmer than it has been. So I was able to take Big (who is for sale, in case anyone is interested) out for a two mile jog. He was very excited that I picked him. I hadn’t fully intended him to be my first ride of the day, but he somehow, ended up in the windbreak pen with four studs and 16 weanlings. Earlier this year we witnessed he and Nuke having a conversation over the fence; apparently, they’d come to an agreement. Nuke is known to draw blood, and Big, is just such a juvenile goof off, that he has no idea that anyone is ever serious.
After the jaunt on Big, I caught (shhhh) my all time favorite horse to ride (don’t tell Gump or Shuttle), and by far the (sssshhhhhhhhh) prettiest I’ve ever owned (don’t tell Shuttle- she’ll get her feelings hurt), Sonora. This is the first time I’ve been on her since I weaned her baby, Dolce. Riding her is like a knife, slicing through room temperature butter. It’s smooth. She’s so soft, she’s like riding velvet. Now that she doesn’t have a baby to worry about, I have my sane, beautiful, kind and wonderful mare back! I’ll have that until about July when it’s time to get off of her so she can have Chachi’s baby. Omg. I just die thinking about how beautiful it will be.
By the time I got done riding her it was about 3pm, and I was an icicle. It had been cloudy all day, and I was having trouble feeling my toes. I don’t know if I’ll ride tomorrow or not- it’s supposed to snow, and be otherwise unpleasant. Might be a good day to begin packing up this house- I’m moving, again. I’ll tell that story later!
For more information about these horses, please visit: or
those winter rides…brrr.
and a grey with black points. i agree. she is gorgeous.
i had a grey with black points … i have a real soft spot for them. ah. someday.
What a cold ride…I bet those chinks kept you toasty and roasty! 😉 Regardless, I am envious! It’s been more than 2 weeks for me. I want to ride my horse. With lots of slush on the ground, I’ll be lucky to be able to drive up and just see him, let alone ride him!
I know you aren’t moving back to Texas are you? Get you some of those “heater” type of socks that hunters wear. You can get them at any sporting good store. Stay warm…happy New Year!!
Good luck with the move. Your account of the ride makes me cold just reading! 🙂
Moving? Can’t wait to hear what’s up with that! I spend a lot of time outside w/the little pup, so I can relate somewhat to your frozen fingers and toes – it’s not fun to not be able to feel parts of your body! I always imagine riding in the snow would be so romantic, though!