I don’t have kids yet, and I’m fast approaching 31 and baby fever hasn’t really hit me. Somedays I look at a kid catalog (Pottery Barn Kids was most recent) and I think, “OMG! How cute! I would want this and this and that and that” and then I think, but wait, I have all this stuff I still want to do and by winter I’ll have darn near 35 head of horses to ride at any given time, so when would I find time?
Zach has two kiddos- a girl, Kelsey who is 14 (for 14 more days!) and a little boy, Ty who is 7. They’re at an age where they’re pretty self sufficient; he has a neice that has a baby that is 2 and one that is 1- sometimes when I see them, I’m think how fun! And then I think, no, notsomuch.
Anyway, the point of all this is, that, my friend Ali is thinkin about having baby #2 and so I figured you girls that read this that haven’t ventured over to her blog can help her with her decision- seeing as how I’m no help at all. I know my sister and I are 18 months apart and I think that was too close, personally. She may disagree, I don’t know. But I love you Meg, just the same!
Megan says
Too close? Maybe when we were growing up as we were fighting like cats, but not so much now. As you grow older I think you grow to either love your siblings more or to have a greater dislike. Being close isn’t a bad thing.
Bina says
Well, I went over there, but I may have confused her more than anything! LOL
Ali says
Thanks Jen! I think about 3 1/2 years is about right. So we’ll start trying in about another 6 months or so.
Rachael Myers says
Girl, I am there. I want kids…Jeff has a good point though. Right now, i have a sponsor to help with my barrel races. I wont have that forever. I have a sponsor who believes in me and wants to see me live out my dream. He also wants me to get my biz going so I can be self sufficient. So, until my sponsor goes broke, I will ride. Well, after my tail bone heals…