Zach spent the morning in the hay field yesterday; and while he made round bales, I started laundry and then went to the barn to ride. I had two horses ridden by noon, and shortly after that he got back. We had a quick lunch and then rode a Nuke and a Banjo. After that ride was over, I came back up to the house to switch the laundry out and while I was here the UPS man came and brought me some cute capris that I’d ordered from the day before (SCORE!). The dogs were barking at him, and everything seemed as per usual for a visitor. Until…
I had just put clothes in the dryer when the UPS man pulled in, and the dogs started barking. I got the dogs quiet, picked up the package and then I heard it. A hissing rattle; though it was super loud it took me, honestly, about 2 minutes to figure out what it was. The dogs were standoffish; Reeses the cat was mingling about, so I thought, “surely it’s not a rattlesnake? Is my new dryer on the fritz?” I stepped into the house and listened. Clearly they were two separate sounds- the dryer and the loud sound coming from under my porch. And then it died out. So I stomped the porch, and it began again. And then, I knew, there was a rattlesnake under my porch.
Heather in ND says
we just killed one last night not far from our front door. 8 rattles the kids are running around with the tail and shaking it at each other.
Leslie says
SO scary!